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Dec 12, 2015
Generation Gap: Penghambat atau Manfaat?
Kalimat berikut sudah terlalu sering saya dengar dari para profesional: "Wah, sekarang sulit sekali bekerjasama dengan generasi muda....

Nov 14, 2015
Getting Started with Human Capital Analytics
"I’ll let you in on a secret. The next big wave of analytics-led transformation is in Human Capital Management." Research has matured in...

Sep 11, 2015
Employee Performance Appraisal: Stop Being So Boring
I recently read an article about annual appraisals in large corporations. It gave me flashbacks of my earliest career years spending...

Aug 30, 2015
Deciding Your Fate
This article was written by a freshman, Sean Taher, dedicated to Gen Y and Z. This was also presented at ID Talent Bootcamp, Telkom...

Aug 21, 2015
If You Can't Measure It, You Can't Manage it: What's The Point of Investing in Human Cap
Let's start with one of Steve Jobs's best quotes: Lot of people in our industry haven't had very diverse experiences. So they don't have...

Aug 3, 2015
A Case for New Hire Profiling: A Student’s Perspective
This article was prepared by Malcolm O'Brien, a freshman from University Waterloo, major in Chemistry. Patty Grigoryev’s research paper...

Jul 19, 2015
One-Sided Matching: The Most Common Hiring Mistake and Error
Employers make lots of mistakes in the process of recruiting, interviewing and hiring new employees. The Harvard Business Review points...

Jul 14, 2015
What is the profile for students with higher GPA?
Our preliminary student analytics found that high GPA students (3.65+) have: ☑ Higher consciousness, ability in numerical, striving for...
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